Monday, November 23, 2015

New Listing on Etsy Shop

Hello! I'm doing this a bit late today because I've been working on some wedding gown designs in Photoshop (which is not my favorite thing to do therefore it takes me longer than I like...) But I did want to share the new listing I have on my Etsy shop page!

I'm pretty excited about this because I wasn't sure if you were able to put "made to order" type listings on Etsy, but YES you totally can! Wedding dresses are super special to me and I think ultimately Boxcar Boutique will become a Bridal line (Eeeeeek!! That gets me giddy!) Don't get me wrong though, I LOVE making historical costumes, it's so much fun recreating the styles and silhouettes of the past! But, if you really want to know what I'm passionate about, it's wedding gowns.

I have one bridal client so far, my VERY good friend, Lindsey Newell, who is such an amazingly talented actor here in Los Angeles! She's so good to me, always sharing my posts, bragging on me, and all the awesome things you could do to support a friend. I Love you Lindsey! But yea, she's my first bridal client, and you can see a drape of her gown in the listing on Etsy (I needed an example pic on there for potential clients to see, ya know?) 

Well, anyway, I just wanted to share that new listing with you lovely people and maybe, just maybe one of you out there is in need of a gorgeous gown!

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